Category: Infrastructure
To continually pursue the improvement of the infrastructure which will contribute to the comfort, economic development and safety of the Ijebu Imusin environment. The Committee will aim to provide amenities that are non-existent, while improving on the existing facilities.
The Infrastructure Committee shall:
i. Evaluate the existing infrastructure / facilities / utilities to determine the adequacy of those for the existing population.
ii. Seek to address critical infrastructural deficiencies for all people residing in Ijebu- Imusin.
iii. Determine the hierarchy of projects to engage in based on the urgency or/and criticality to the wellbeing of Ijebu-Imusin residents.
iv. v. Lobby or and engage Government agencies where this is relevant
Works in partnership with key agencies, organizations, communities to deliver identified projects.
vi. Be innovative and creative in ways it conceives, develops, selects the projects to execute and the funding required for it. The Committee will specifically focus on (but would not be limited by) projects relating to:
– Road construction and drainages
– Energy
– Bore holes for water in areas lacking water
– Refuse collection
– Public Health facilities / Rehabilitation of Schools
– Markets and Shopping malls
Membership (5-9)
The Infrastructure Committee will comprise the following:
i. A member of the Executive Committee ii. iii. Between four & eight (4-8) other persons from the general assembly At least 2 persons in the committee must be engineers (practicing or retired) and two others with town planning experience
– Chairman
– Members
Activities of the Committee shall be funded by donations through the following channels:
Donations from High Net-Worth individuals;
Crowd Funding; and
Others channels as may be identified by the Committee from time to time